24x7 Support

Ask us whatever. We are right here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Just waiting for ever to receive you reply from the help and support staff can be very frustrating, no matter how unimportant the difficulty is. That’s why, here, at Dialoz.com, we provide a 1 hour reply time period guarantee, and our professionals typically answer in just twenty minutes by way of the ticketing system integrated into the Application Installer. They’re out there for you day and night.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Completely free SSH access privileges for your server

Dialoz.com’s Linux semi-dedicated servers feature SSH access privileges, which lets you interact directly with the server, without needing to utilize the Web Site Control Panel. It will be possible to work with your data files, databases, email and all things associated with your websites. As you share the machine with just a couple of other customers, you’ll not have root rights to change the server’s setup.

With the smaller bundle, SSH access included as an additional service, while with the bigger setup it will come as a free of cost extra.

SSH Access

Free Dedicated IP

No-charge dedicated IP for your machine

We add a absolutely-free dedicated IP address with the Semi-dedicated 2 setup. A dedicated IP address will let you easily setup an SSL certificate for your website or configure your individual name servers that will resolve to your very own IP address.

The dedicated IP is freely available to use immediately after you access your Web Site Control Panel. Additionally, if you need extra dedicated IP addresses, you are able to get as many as you need at a discount cost from the Web Site Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

Web Stats

Web Site Control Panel–integrated web site stats

Through the Application Installer, you can easily both manage and keep tabs on your web sites. Each Linux semi-dedicated hosting offers a number of web reports software tools. You may locate them in the Stats Manager section of the Web Site Control Panel. You could employ the common AWStats and Webalizer software tools or make use of our recently designed, complete stats software tool, which delivers a convenient web analytics interface. With Dialoz.com, you can locate comprehensive details regarding your web site’s incoming traffic and customers directly in your Web Site Control Panel.

Web Stats

Website Builder

Set up your own personal Internet site with a click today

Our semi-dedicated hosting are equipped with a convenient Complimentary Web Site Generator, which you will see in the Application Installer. This software has an assortment of over 100 business enterprise and individual website layouts and a point–n–click web page administration interface. Simply pick a web theme and after that post your pictures and add textual content with a mouse–click. When you’re all set, select the Publish button and your webpage will go online in an instant.

Website Builder

Email Manager

An all–inclusive email administration system

The E Mail Account Manager located in the Application Installer provides you with a handy system with many e–mail controls. You are able to forward e–mails to a second mail, build custom e–mail filters, regulate the degrees of anti–spam protection, create custom autoresponder emails, SPF–secure your domain, manage e–mail lists, and so on. How–to e–mail administration video lessons are included too.

Email Manager

  • Semi Dedicated 2

  • Order
  • Service guarantees

  • Dialoz.com’s Linux semi-dedicated hosting are installed for you 100% free. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access rights. Free Control Panel included.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a look at the costs and choose the most suitable semi–dedicated server for your fast growing web sites. Advance to a more advanced server setup with only a click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Get hold of us at any moment by email or via the Control Panel integrated ticketing system. 1–hour response time frame warranty.