Having a site is more challenging than simply having a domain and uploading files for it on a server. The web hosting service also includes things such as domain records, databases, e mail addresses, statistics, FTP access, and so forth. Although they might not be the first thing which comes to mind when you mention the word “website”, they are a fundamental part of any website and none of them can be overlooked. If you wish to start and keep a profitable presence online, you will need an easy way to take care of these things, specifically if you aren't very proficient. Besides the simplicity of use, it is also important to have 100 % control over your domain addresses and the hosting service associated with them.

Website Manager in Cloud Web Hosting

If you buy a Linux cloud web hosting from us and host your Internet sites on our revolutionary cloud platform, you can reap the benefits of the advanced, albeit simple-to-use Website Manager tool, that's part of our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel. The tool will give you much better control over your web content than any other tool available, due to the fact that it features a simple, novice-friendly interface, but offers more than enough options for expert users as well. A single tool will allow you to modify the DNS records for every domain name, to update the WHOIS details or to hide them using our Whois Privacy Protection service, to access the Internet site files, to set up a script application, to check visitor statistics, to purchase an SSL certificate and much, much more. All of these things are available in one location and you can accomplish any of them with only several clicks using quick-access buttons, that will save you time and efforts and which will make the control over your web presence very simple.

Website Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Website Manager tool, supplied with our semi-dedicated server solutions and that's part of the Hepsia Control Panel, provides you with everything you'll need to be able to control your web presence efficiently. Once you open the tool, you'll find a list of all the domain addresses that are registered or hosted in the account. Clicking on any of them shall bring up a pop-up where quick-access links will permit you to do many things with just a click - to look at the in depth website visitor statistics, to set up a script app through our 1-click installer, to set up a new e-mail address or to buy an SSL certificate. These are only a couple of options which you will be able to access without any difficulty, as everything shall be available in one particular place. The Website Manager is designed with a clean and intuitive interface and it may be used both by first-timers and by more tech-savvy users.